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Write For Us

Content Creator Contributing To Our Blog By Submitting A Post

Why write for Content ID?

  • A unique format Content ID offers a format that differs both from daily news reportage and the typical academic journal. Many of our writers are academic researchers who want to write about an aspect of their research in a digestible and immediate way. Few other media dedicated to Indonesia offer this service.
  • Quality and reputation Content ID has a long history and is well-respected. We strive to maintain high editorial standards. Every author works with a member of our team of editors, and all articles are submitted for review prior to publication.
  • Immediacy – There is very little delay between submission of good quality articles and publication. If you have a burning issue to communicate, Content ID could be the place for you.
  • ReachContent ID has tens of thousands of unique visits per month. All articles on the site are available free of charge, as are our archives of back issues. Once an article is on our site, it is there for good.

Who can write for us?

We accept articles from a diverse range of people – academics, journalists, students, travelers, NGO activists and people who have an interest in Indonesia. What is important is that you have something to say about Indonesia.

We cannot pay you for your contribution – your reward is the pleasure it brings to our readers.

What types of contributions do we accept?

Content ID publishes original, informative, analytical and/or reflective short and medium length pieces on a wide range of resort, hotel, travel and destination.

Content ID is not an academic publication. This means we do not follow the normal conventions of academic writing (e.g. no footnotes or bibliographies) and we strive to avoid jargon and abstractions. However, many of the people who edit and write for us are academics and students and we strive to maintain high editorial standards.

Please note, you are responsible for guaranteeing:

  • that your work is original
  • that your material not been published elsewhere (you are free to reproduce it elsewhere as long as you acknowledge that it was first published in Inside Indonesia)
  • that your work does not breach copyright or defame others.

How long can submissions be?

Articles are generally between 300 and 1600 words long. Occasionally longer articles (up to 3000 words) are published. These articles require special consideration on submission.

Please consult with our editorial team regarding the length of your proposed piece.

How do I submit an article?

  1. Look at articles previously published by Content ID to get a sense of our style and the type of content we publish
  2. Write a 300 – 1600 word long about travel, hotel, resort and destination, send it to the commissioning editor at [email protected]
  3. If the commissioning editor feels your idea is suitable, write your article
  4. Submit your article. The commissioning editor will assign an editor for the article. The editor will review the article. If the content of the article is sound, the editor will work together with you until the article is ready to be published
  5. The article will then undergo final review to determine whether or not it is publishable

What other information do I have to send in with my article?

We like to include brief biographical information about our authors with their articles, so please send us a short two sentence description of yourself as well as links to any organisations you represent or work for. If you agree to us putting the link to your organisation on our website, we would appreciate if a link to Inside Indonesia could be made on yours.

Who owns the copyright of my article?

You retain the copyright of your article except when it is reproduced directly from Content IDYou are free to republish your article elsewhere, as long as you acknowledge that it was first published in Content ID.

The small amount of money raised by Inside Indonesia from copyright fees for direct reproduction of articles by educational institutions is the primary source of income for our entirely voluntary organisation. If you receive a copyright notice for direct reproductions of something you have written for us, please do not make a claim.

Why Contribute?

Submitting a guest post is simple! It helps put your content in front of blog writers, video creators, and photographers. It is also a great way to build your portfolio, become a thought leader, and even attract new clients or customers.

Topics For Submission:

Content Career covers three topics: content creation, content marketing, and content monetisation. Below are some examples to help you come up with your topic ideas.

1. Content Creation

Write about anything that will help creators do what they love. Whether that’s by learning something new or by being inspired.

For example: ‘Top 10 Blogging Tips’, ‘How To Create An Instagram Theme’, ‘Becoming A Blogger: My Story’.

2. Content Marketing

Help creators get their content seen. These submissions should help creators spread their creations and build their audience.

For example: ‘The Most Popular Fashion Hashtags’, ‘Video Thumbnail Tricks To Try’, ‘Top Social Platforms To Share Your Blog’.

3. Content Monetisation

Help our amazing influencers create a career out of their passion by sharing your ideas on how to make money from their content.

For example: ‘How To Setup A Patreon’, ‘The Top YouTube Earners & How They Do It’, ‘What You Need To Know About Instagram Sponsorships’.

Content Creator Contributing To Our Blog By Submitting A Post

Your Submission Must:

  • Use Original Content

The submitted content must be original, you must have the right to use it, and all quotes and extracts must be attributed accurately.

  • Not Be Self-Promoting

You can include a link to your website or blog if it is relevant, but your submission content should not include promotional material or be an advertorial. This means no affiliate links either. Remember, this is about helping the creator community.

  • Be Free Of Errors

Please make sure your submission is free of typos and grammatical errors.

  • Be Between 500 And 3,000 Words

It’s a wide-range, to suit all content types.

  • Permit Edits

We reserve the right to edit the content to remove typos, grammatical errors, inaccuracies, and to improve the title. Images may also be added or removed from your submission to meet size and style requirements.

  • Allow Sharing

You must be okay with your article being shared on our blog, as well as on social media and in digital and print projects.

  • Not Be Used Elsewhere

Please refrain from republishing the content on multiple sites.

  • Understand Publishing Isn’t Guaranteed

The submission of content does not guarantee the publishing of content. Content Career reserves the right to deny or take down your content without notification.

  • No Ilegal Content Against Law in Indonesia

The submission of the content does not contain any words that are against the law in Indonesia, that include porn, drugs, narcotics, gun and weapon, gambling, sports betting, hate speech, casino or any other thing that is against Indonesian Law.

Still Interested?

Email: [email protected]

Whatsapp: + 1 (857) 444-4571


  • Your article
  • Full name
  • Your head-shot
  • A 50-word bio

Write for Content.id